Indigenous women and the women, peace and security agenda
On 30 October 2000, the Security Council adopted resolution 1325 on women, peace and security—the first resolution to link women’s experiences of conflict to the maintenance of international peace and security. Since that time, the Security Council has passed seven additional resolutions focusing on women’s equal and meaningful participation in conflict prevention, peacemaking and peacebuilding, and protection of women from conflict-related violence. Together, these resolutions comprise the women, peace and security agenda: resolutions 1325 (2000), 1820 (2008), 1888 (2009), 1889 (2009), 1960 (2010), 2106 (2013), 2122 (2013) and 2242 (2015).
While the entire women, peace and security agenda is relevant for indigenous women in conflict-affected societies, this research brief seeks to highlight two key areas of indigenous women’s engagement in peace and security: (i) justice for conflict-related violence and (ii) natural resources, conflict prevention and peacebuilding. In each of these areas, the research brief shares examples of indigenous women’s advocacy and achievements, challenges faced, and information about where further resources can be found.