Advocacy products (16) Annual reports (54) Assessments (106) Books (9) Briefs (125) Brochures (36) Case studies (60) Catalogues/directories (6) Data/statistics (40) Discussion papers (67) Evaluation reports (53) Flagship reports (10) Gender alerts (11) Good practices (121) Impact stories (9) Infographics (10) Institutional reports (39) Intergovernmental reports and documents (23) Issue papers (23) Laws/legislation (5) Literature reviews/bibliographies (5) Manuals and tools (127) Meeting reports and papers (29) National development plans (1) Newsletters/magazines (34) Organizational policies (2) Policy papers (57) Position papers (5) Project/programme reports (19) Research papers (87) Strategies (28)
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (176) Access to basic services (20) Access to justice and legal protection (25) Access to justice post-conflict (15) Accountability (7) Accountability in the UN system (35) Adolescents (7) Ageing/older people (7) Anti-violence interventions (39) Beijing Platform for Action (19) Businesses and foundations (10) Campaigns (14) Capacity development (22) Care and support services (4) Changing social norms (4) Child marriage (8) Children’s rights (4) Citizen engagement (3) Civil society (14) Civil society participation (10) Climate change (30) Commission on the Status of Women (8) Communications and media (10) Conflict, war (39) Constitutions and legal reform (11) Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) (13) Coordination, knowledge management (11) COVID-19 (62) Crisis response and recovery (30) Decision-making (12) Deputy Executive Director, Intergovernmental Support and Strategic Partnerships (1) Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) (1) Disaster risk reduction (21) Domestic violence/interpersonal violence (29) Economic empowerment (264) Education (40) Electoral systems and processes (9) Employment (127) Ending impunity (6) Ending violence against women and girls (217) Energy (7) Entrepreneurship (17) Environmental protection (11) Executive Board (9) Executive Director (3) Feminicide/femicide (5) Financial and economic crisis (2) Financial resources (9) Financing for gender equality (27) Food security (3) Fundamental freedoms (4) Fund for Gender Equality (15) Gender, culture and society (24) Gender-responsive budgeting (26) Gender-responsive procurement (1) Gender data gaps (27) Gender data production and collection (27) Gender data use and accessibility (8) Gender discrimination (19) Gender equality and inequality (45) Gender equality and women’s empowerment (253) Gender equality indicators (10) Gender mainstreaming (38) Gender power relations (13) Gender statistics (71) Gender stereotypes (6) Gender wage gap (14) Generation Equality (16) Girls (8) Governance (3) Governance and national planning (105) Government contributors (12) Green economy (10) Harmful health practices (1) Harmful practices (9) Health (96) Health care services (15) HeForShe (1) HIV and AIDS (11) Human and financial resources (3) Humanitarian action (73) Human rights (96) Human rights–based approach (12) Indigenous women (8) Information and communications technology (ICT) (21) Inheritance rights (2) Innovation and technology (29) Institutional mechanisms (10) Intergovernmental processes (46) Justice reform (4) Land and property (9) Laws, legislation (7) Leadership and political participation (112) Legal assistance (2) Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex (LGBT) rights (9) Literacy (6) Local development (10) Macroeconomic policies (37) Markets (13) Maternal health (4) Media leadership (1) Mediation and conflict resolution (10) Men and boys (masculinity) (12) Migrant workers (43) Migration (65) Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) (9) Monitoring, evaluation and reporting (34) Monitoring and evaluation (85) National planning (7) National statistical systems (3) New media (2) Parliamentary development (12) Partnerships (67) Peace and security (117) Peacebuilding (24) Peacekeeping (6) Peace processes (24) Planning and monitoring (6) Political empowerment (21) Political violence (5) Post-conflict recovery (11) Poverty (36) Prevention (6) Primary prevention (10) Productive resources (27) Public administration (1) Public sector reform (1) Rape/sexual assault (13) Reparations (4) Results-based management (7) Rights in marriage (4) Rule of law (3) Rural development (6) Rural women (22) Safe Cities and Safe Public Spaces (16) Schooling (6) Science and technology for development (9) Service delivery (11) Sex-disaggregated data (19) Sexual and reproductive health and rights (15) Sexual harassment (33) Sexuality (10) Sexual violence in conflict (8) Shelters (5) Social protection (52) Sports (2) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (106) Temporary special measures, affirmative action (4) Traditional media (2) Trafficking/sexual exploitation (14) Training (14) Treatment (4) Trust funds (20) Truth and reconciliation (1) UNiTE campaign (4) Universal primary education (2) Unpaid work (34) UN Security Council resolution 1325 (18) UN Security Council resolutions (18) UN system coordination (109) UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (16) UN Women administration (6) Urban development (6) Violent extremism and terrorism (7) Waste management (3) Water (5) Women farmers (5) Women in the UN system (25) Women with disabilities (26) Women’s movements (13) Women’s rights (48) Youth (22)
Africa (79) Arab States/North Africa (55) Asia and the Pacific (89) Europe and Central Asia (62) European Union (1) Latin America and the Caribbean (71) OECD DAC Donors and Other Countries (17)
Afghanistan (7) Albania (7) Algeria (1) Argentina (3) Armenia (1) Australia (11) Austria (1) Bangladesh (10) Belgium (2) Bolivia, Plurinational State of (6) Bosnia and Herzegovina (1) Brazil (5) Burkina Faso (1) Cabo Verde (1) Cambodia (4) Cameroon (7) Canada (6) Central African Republic (1) Chad (2) Chile (7) China (2) Colombia (12) Comoros (3) Congo, Democratic Republic of the (3) Costa Rica (2) Côte d’Ivoire (2) Croatia (1) Czechia (1) Denmark (1) Dominica (1) Dominican Republic (4) Ecuador (11) Egypt (7) El Salvador (3) Estonia (1) Ethiopia (8) Fiji (3) Finland (4) France (2) Gambia (1) Georgia (2) Germany (4) Ghana (3) Greece (1) Guatemala (7) Guinea (4) Haiti (6) Honduras (1) Hungary (2) Iceland (1) India (19) Indonesia (6) Iran, Islamic Republic of (2) Iraq (2) Ireland (2) Italy (2) Jamaica (1) Japan (2) Jordan (14) Kenya (14) Kiribati (1) Korea, Republic of (1) Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244) (4) Kuwait (1) Kyrgyzstan (2) Lebanon (7) Liberia (1) Libya (2) Luxembourg (1) Madagascar (2) Malawi (5) Malaysia (2) Maldives (2) Mali (4) Mauritius (2) Mexico (28) Micronesia, Federated States of (1) Moldova, Republic of (19) Montenegro (1) Morocco (8) Mozambique (6) Myanmar (2) Nepal (15) Netherlands (1) Nicaragua (1) Niger (3) Nigeria (10) North Macedonia (3) Norway (1) Oman (2) Pakistan (4) Palestine, State of (14) Panama (1) Papua New Guinea (4) Paraguay (2) Peru (5) Philippines (27) Poland (2) Qatar (1) Russian Federation (1) Rwanda (11) Senegal (6) Serbia (3) Seychelles (3) Sierra Leone (2) Singapore (3) Slovakia (1) Slovenia (1) Somalia (6) South Africa (14) South Sudan (2) Spain (3) Sri Lanka (4) Sudan (5) Suriname (1) Sweden (2) Switzerland (1) Syrian Arab Republic (3) Taiwan, Province of China (1) Tajikistan (1) Tanzania, United Republic of (10) Thailand (3) Timor-Leste (2) Tonga (1) Trinidad and Tobago (1) Tunisia (3) Türkiye (3) Uganda (9) Ukraine (6) United Arab Emirates (3) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (6) United States of America (6) Uruguay (3) Vanuatu (2) Viet Nam (3) Yemen (3) Zambia (2) Zimbabwe (4)