Cabo Verde: Country gender profile

This comprehensive gender analysis of Cabo Verde will guide UN Women and the African Development Bank (AfDB) in assisting the Government to integrate and mainstream gender issues to maximize efforts for both gender equality and poverty eradication.

The key gender issues raised by the gender profile and aligned with the country’s National Plan for Gender Equality (Plano Nacional de Igualdade de Género, PNIG) will be used as a reference by both UN Women and AfDB in their Cabo Verde projects and programme design. The country gender profile will inform the AfDB’s next Country Strategy Paper (CSP) and provide gender analysis and recommendations to the Government of Cabo Verde and other development partners.

The publication is organized as follows:

  • Section 1 provides the country context and purpose.
  • Section 2 summarizes relevant policy, institutional and legal frameworks.
  • Section 3 reviews the status of gender equality in Cabo Verde by key issues and by the four economic development areas most critical to the Government’s growth strategy.
  • Section 4 discusses UN Women and AfDB’s work in Cabo Verde, as well as other key development partners.
  • Section 5 presents recommendations and conclusion.

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Resource type(s): Assessments
UN Women office publishing: UN Women Headquarters Office
Number of pages