Private sector engagement strategy 2023–2025
UN Women’s “Private sector engagement strategy 2023–2025” (PSES) outlines a framework for engaging with the private sector to advance the achievement of gender equality and women’s empowerment (GEWE). The strategy contributes to UN Women’s Strategic Plan by guiding interaction with the private sector to drive transformational changes. The PSES was presented to the UN Women Executive Board at an informal briefing on 11 October 2023. In the long term, the PSES envisions that Member States will develop and implement effective legislation, policies, and regulations that uphold private sector responsibilities and accountability to protect, respect and enforce women’s rights, while working in partnership with the private sector, United Nations system, and civil society; and a responsible, diverse, and inclusive private sector will support the full achievement of GEWE by enabling and ensuring women’s equal access, participation, voice, agency, and safety across all policies and practices, workplace, marketplace, and community.