Regular resources report 2023: Harnessing regular resources for gender equality

This report provides information and analysis of UN Women’s regular resources in 2023. Regular resources, also known as voluntary “core” resources, “unearmarked contributions”, and “unrestricted funding”, are monetary contributions to UN Women’s Strategic Plan that enable implementation of the triple mandate tasked by the UN General Assembly, which encompasses normative support, UN system coordination, and operational activities. They play a critical role enabling UN Women to tap into the powerful complementarity of its triple mandate by funding our normative and coordination roles that are not suited to project funding.

In 2023, 90 funding partners contributed USD 164.1 million in regular resources. The trust placed in UN Women by these funding partners, their political engagement in support of gender equality and women’s empowerment, and their financial contribution allowed UN Women to work in 99 countries and territories, achieving good performance for 85 per cent of Strategic Plan development results indicators.

The report demonstrates how regular resources are invested to advance integrated triple mandate results. This includes explicit recognition of the expertise and leadership of UN Women staff, which relies on regular resources investments. Country, regional, and global examples illustrate how regular resources, often together with other resources, build momentum in synergy to deliver important advancements for women and girls. The report visualizes the regular resources “dollar journey” per Strategic Plan Impact Area, demonstrating how strategic regular resources investments underwrite and leverage larger result portfolios, while charts provide a granular view of expenses at regional level.

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Resource type(s): Institutional reports
UN Women office publishing: UN Women Headquarters Office
Number of pages