Gender accountability framework report 2020

The 2020 gender accountability framework report marks the third monitoring cycle of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC)’s 2017 gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls in humanitarian action policy. It provides a snapshot of the IASC’s output in the calendar year 2020 and allows for cross comparison with the baseline established with the 2018 report and the subsequent 2019 report.

This report also captures how the IASC adapted its efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic and to what extent these efforts corresponded to the compounded impact on women and girls.

The 2020 report shows that progress at the global-level in integrating gender priorities among the activities of IASC entities was inconsistent. Some entities demonstrated greater focus on gender while attention to gender dropped in others. Despite mixed progress at the global-level, there was improvement across most priority areas in the implementation of the gender policy at the field-level.

The report is produced by UN Women on behalf of the IASC's Gender Reference Group (GRG). The exercise benefitted from the contributions of a dedicated working group comprising of Save the Children, Women’s Refugee Commission, Oxfam, International Rescue Committee, Gender Capacity Standby Project, IASC Secretariat, and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). As in previous years, a significant portion of information came through direct inputs from crisis contexts channeled through UN Women and OCHA country offices. 

As it was not possible to conduct the usual self-assessment survey of the IASC structures and field representation in 2021, this is presented as a GRG report and not as an official endorsed IASC document.

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UN Women office publishing: UN Women Headquarters Office
Number of pages