Pathways to prevention: So, how to stop violence before it even starts?

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One woman having to experience violence is one too many. In the first episode, we asked “Which way to Prevention?”. In this last episode, we summarize the different “Pathways to Prevention” of violence against women and girls.

This first 8-episode series, exploring 10 different themes, identified from the work of almost 100 civil society organizations across the world, has sought to capture the important and rich practice- based knowledge of civil society projects working to prevent and end violence against women and girls.

Relying on the voices and practice-based knowledge of many civil society and women’s rights organizations funded by the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UN Trust Fund) over the years, the 8 episodes introduce and explore the 10 pathways to prevent violence against women and girls that were identified in the Learning from practice series.

This series is also available on Apple and Soundcloud.