Pathways to prevention: Understanding the value of practice-based knowledge

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Is it time to appreciate “thick data”?

Before we dive in, we need to recognize the importance of understanding what works, what does not work and critically how it all works when it comes to preventing violence against women and girls.

Civil society and women’s rights organizations’ (CSOs and WROs) unique expertise and practical experience contribute every day to the knowledge base on ending violence.

In this episode, unpack all the acronyms with us and learn what practice-based knowledge is, so we can better support and elevate it… and ultimately disrupt hierarchies of knowledge and power!

Relying on the voices and practice-based knowledge of many civil society and women’s rights organizations funded by the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UN Trust Fund) over the years, the 8 episodes introduce and explore the 10 pathways to prevent violence against women and girls that were identified in the Learning from practice series.

This series is also available on Apple and Soundcloud