
Unlock the power of effective programming and policy measures to tackle gender-based violence. Explore UN Women’s innovative toolkits and frameworks designed to empower policy-makers and programmers to eradicate the root causes of violence against women and girls and foster safe communities. 


Pathways to prevention: Responding to survivors’ needs

Hear now from civil society and women’s rights organizations providing and advocating for better services, effective laws and new policies to better promote women’s right to live free of violence!
Pathways to prevention: Responding to survivors’ needs

Pathways to prevention: Take your time they say…

Podcast that explores how designing effective training for violence prevention takes time and effort. It also requires an iterative and adaptive process that is time and resource intensive.
Pathways to prevention: Take your time they say…

Pathways to prevention: Everyone, let’s get to work!

In this episode, we will hear from civil society organizations (CSOs) on how they empower women to lead and motivate adolescent girls to tackle new challenges to prevent violence against women and girls.
Pathways to prevention: Everyone, let’s get to work!

Pathways to prevention: How to engage faith and spirituality around violence?

Faith based and traditional actors are increasingly recognized as key to preventing violence. They can promote beliefs, norms and practices that can inhibit or enable prevention. In this podcast you will find out more from different types of civil society organizations on how to work effectively together with them.
Pathways to prevention: How to engage faith and spirituality around violence?

Pathways to prevention: Understanding the value of practice-based knowledge

Relying on the voices and practice-based knowledge of many civil society and women’s rights organizations funded by the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UN Trust Fund) over the years, the 8 episodes introduce and explore the 10 pathways to prevent violence against women and girls that were identified in the Learning from practice series.
Pathways to prevention: Understanding the value of practice-based knowledge

Pathways to prevention: Welcome to pathways to prevention!

Relying on the voices and practice-based knowledge of many civil society and women’s rights organizations funded by the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UN Trust Fund) over the years, the 8 episodes introduce and explore the 10 pathways to prevent violence against women and girls that were identified in the Learning from practice series.
Pathways to prevention: Welcome to pathways to prevention!

Leadership and political participation

From the local to the global level, women’s leadership and political participation are restricted. Women are underrepresented as voters, as well as in leading positions, whether in elected office, the civil service, the private sector or academia. This occurs despite their proven abilities as leaders and agents of change, and their right to participate equally in democratic governance.

Leadership and political participation
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